PR Business

PharmaReview, an IQVIA business, provides copy review services to the life science industry. Copy review is an important and time-consuming job for thousands of professionals. We ensure that materials, whether internal or external, promotional or non-promotional, are ready for internal review and rapid progression to certification.

From April 2021 to April 2022 we have grown our team from 20 to 60 employees, and continue to recruit.

CopyReview Icon


We facilitate rapid, smooth and cost-effective development and approval of all materials; releasing our clients’ resources to be used more productively elsewhere. Benchmarking studies have demonstrated that errors in material are the single largest cause of repeat review cycles. These repeat cycles squeeze deadlines, increase your costs and often demand longer working hours from the entire development team.

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PharmaReference Icon


Accurate referencing requires a specialised skillset. We are dedicated to excellence in this area and regard our service as the benchmark of best practice. By offloading this task to our professionals you can release resources and increase productivity.

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ProcessDesign Icon


We are experts and we recognise that many of our clients are experts too! We have developed a model that ensures that every expert’s voice is heard and that time is not wasted on repeat review rounds.

We know that copy review is most efficient when the process is right. Once we are familiar with your internal SOP we can work with you on Veeva to ensure that you have the most efficient process in place.

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